

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.

As for my last two days, they actually were pretty fantastic! We enjoyed a lovely dinner with both sets of parents and my brother-in-law last night. I sweet talked Mom and Dad into making their delicious lasagne - it's been a fav of mine since childhood. I forgot to take pics of that and the sangria (darn it!). However, we were fortunate enough to have them there to capture our fun in the snow. The hubby came home with a little bit of a kid spirit and the end result was this wintery lawn decoration.

rolling the base

and... rolling a little bit more

making the body and putting it on

putting on the eyes and nose

hard at work

dressing our snowman, complete with shoes, too (would you expect anything less?!)

And, after several minutes of hard work...the end result!

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