
Putting Shorts to Work

I've received a lot of questions recently regarding office appropriate attire.  It's been my experience that sometimes even the savviest of dressers can become stumped when getting dressed Monday - Friday.  Throw in 90 degrees with 70% humidity and a 65 degree office, and suddenly solving world peace seems more easily answered.  However, a recurring question as of late centers around how (if ever) is it appropriate to wear shorts to work.  Now, I love shorts and I believe wearing them to the office can be a viable outfit option... if done appropriately.  Let's dissect the above outfit for example.  

1. Shorts length: Office shorts and weekend shorts are two different lengths.  If your shorts are not at least as long as the shortest skirt you would wear (or think about wearing)to the office, then your shorts are too short.  Regardless of skirt or short, you're still showing leg and you want to be taken seriously around the office.

2. Add some height: In my opinion, shorts at the office should be paired with shoes that have some height to them, like pumps or wedges.  Wearing flats (even dressy ones) venture too close to the weekend side of shorts.

3. Dress it up: I prefer to wear dressier tops, like a button up shirt or floral blouse, when wearing shorts to the office.  This also distances the office shorts a little bit more from their weekend counterparts.

Now, go grab a pair of shorts and strut them to the office!


Emily said...

groovy advice Gracie :)

Noble Beeyotch said...

Nice tips...Though I don't think I have the guts or the legs to wear shorts to office! Just my luck!

Call Me Stylista

rachael said...

Shorts and wedges are always oe of my go-to looks.

And great blog - I just stumbled upon it and it has a wonderful mix of content. I'm definitely giving you a follow!
Rachael Krystina at latentblatant.com

shopgracieb.com said...

Thanks so much, Rachael for the sweet comments and the follow! It is much appreciated!

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